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#EcovetCares: Coping Up With Stress During the Pandemic

October 2020

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Dealing with this pandemic situation may not only be financially challenging but can also be very stressful. We are facing an invisible enemy. The fear and anxiety of a new disease may be overwhelming and may result in even depression. A stable mind depends on the capability of an individual to adapt to the changes in its external environment. Social disengagement during this pandemic may seem ok at first but it drastically affects our sanity. In Ecovet, we believe that our understanding and full support towards our people is our way to give back for their hard work and dedication. Ecovet employees are people who are optimistic and with integrity. We train them to be better versions of themselves, therefore ready to face any challenges with a positive outlook in life.



Accounting Associate


I must admit, this pandemic scared me for I knew its impact on the economy -especially on all the Filipinos working to provide for the needs of their families. It was quite hard for me to risk my health but if I will not work, where would I get the money to provide for my needs and how will I be able to help my family (these were my thoughts). During the first few months of the lockdown, it was terribly difficult. There were no means of transportation and it was indeed a struggle for me because I was not prepared; going to the office despite the health risks and engaging in tasks outside my normal daily work routine. Nevertheless, I am thankful that I was able to learn and cope up with all the workload with the help of our Accounting team. I crave more knowledge about my chosen field. It was such an amazing feeling to help the company in these really trying times.


What keeps me motivated are my goals in life and my family for they mean a lot to me. Ecovet helped me grow as an individual. They motivated us to improve and understand one another through various webinars about personal growth and professional development. I've learned to be wise in handling my finances. I've learned to save money, to buy only things that are necessary, but most importantly I have learned to be appreciative of all the things I have, no matter how small.


I guess what I could advise to someone who is going through a hard time, is to always remember that you are not alone. God is with us in any difficult circumstances, so always seek His wisdom and guidance to conquer each day. You have to focus on your goals but don't let the stress eat you up or drain you. It's okay not to be okay. It's okay to admit that you are tired but make sure to get up, feed your mind with positive thoughts and that you finish what you need to do for the day. It is important to pay attention to your feelings, especially during times of stress. The struggles that we are facing will definitely make us stronger, wiser, and braver. You got this!


My Ecovet family has made a great impact on my life. It’s been two (2) years already since I started working here, I have gained a lot of experiences that helped me grow and excel in different fields of my work. The struggle that we faced taught me to become wiser. No matter how hard the trials that will come my way, I know now how to handle it. I will give my 101% effort to help the company prosper, to make Ecovet count.

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